Laura's personal blog:
Inner Revelations, Revolutions & Realisations
awareness of Ego, the inner reflection & processing work & shadow work is crucial, not just ideal if you are on the awakening, ascension, embodiment journey
After a conversation I was having recently with a friend about both of our current life journeys or processes he said to me '' what do you think will happen when everyone realises they're part of God & how powerful they are, can get what ever they want & and that they're creating their own reality? '' at the time my answer was: well our own discernment of other's intentions will be important. I also feel awareness of our own shadow, projections and ego side will be vital to not let it go to our heads and to stay humble and grounded.
In basic terms... if quantum physics is right, our own external outer reality, what we see or perceive effects and reflects our inner reality - beliefs, perceptions, traumas .
So in basic terms, if we can find the courage to look within at our own triggers, fears and suffering, with our own 'inner war or battle', then our outer world will reflect that.
One way to think of this is for example... I kept attracting partners or friends that betray or abandon me. When not engaged in the inner work you may go to blaming them and complaining, but keep repeating the cycle in victim mode.
Seeing life through the New Earth empowered abundant state of being I would say to myself... 'What is it in me that's attracting this kind of partner?' I realised that I had been abandoning and betraying myself in many situations. This isn't your fault if you're not aware of what's going on. Our past pain body will keep us in these patterns & cycles if we don't consciously feel through things as they come up.
That's not to say there aren't narcissistic people out there to manipulate us and people who are in very hard situations. I can honestly say in the situations I've had with narcissistic partners, at the time there was still trauma, a childhood wound or something in me that was still toxic that thought that was normal or something I was worthy of or deserved. I would do anything so they wouldn't leave or abandon me, including abandon my own needs & self! Co dependence at it's best. I also didn't really know how to own my truth, say no or stand up for myself. My people pleasing tendencies led the way most of the time.
But... with all this introspection and self awareness it does take a lot of energy and consciousness so we must go easy on ourselves. Its a process of undoing the conditioning, programming and learnt behaviours that have been passed down to us. This situation we find ourselves in is no fault of our own & we have chosen this on a soul level for us to learn, develop & grow. Unfortunately the majority of people on the planet struggle to feed, house themselves let alone focus on healing their own pain and trauma.
I was also sparked to think about this topic again a few days ago after listening to an amazing podcast episode with Dr. Kelly Brogan Own Yourself, Authentically with Dr. Kelly Brogan - YouTube and author of 'A mind of your own'.
She openly admits that for years she's been covertly (unconsciously) getting her own needs met, by helping others, finding the enemy externally, and playing the rescuer, hero role. It doesn't take away from her ground breaking work, research and the people she's helped but it does show that when we start paying attention to our own inner reality without distracting ourselves (with work, food, seeing friends, TV, social media, addictions etc) and clean up our own lives and family unit - i.e. having therapy, uncomfortable conversations, feeling, presence etc - is there still there same forceful drive to help others & save the world? It may not be a comfortable realisation but since I've started paying attention and being there for my inner world, needs & child, when I help others it's because I truly want to. It's from a place of love & overflow. In the words of Itay Ganot from Modern Mystic Arts - 'God attracts God, shit attracts shit'.
No more obligation or have to. The New Earth doesn't have room for these outdated, disempowering energies. In this paradigm we give & do from a place of wanting to and knowing its benefitting the greater good.
If you resonate with this information and wish to engage in your own active shadow process I can highly recommend Bernhard and Laura's (The Veil of Reality) short course Embodied Shadow Work & The Path Of Individuation ( It helped me to understand that our shadow contains our positive projections & & tapping into our creativity as well as having to look at our darker aspects.
Kyle Cease Evolving Out Loud
Much Love
Sunday 13th August 2023
Has body dysmorphia been normalised?
This topic was opened for me when I picked up a magazine when shopping a few weeks ago.. both very rare occasions now.
''When we care about more what we look like during the meeting than the content of the meeting.''
I know I catch myself doing this in moments through my day and there have been a few moments through out my life where I have considered getting work done on myself to permanently alter my body when in the frequency of fear or self loathing. In no way is this writing to diss or minimise anyone who made the decision to do this... if it has made your life happier, your are more confident and in a place of self acceptance and love after it, that is great, but isn't it concerning that there are people out there profiting on our insecurities.
Most or all of our insecurities have come from outside of us. 'God/Creator/Source made you perfect.'
Self love now. Can we love ourselves as fiercely as we love others?
updated 08/01/2025
How can we be truly free?
Taking responsibility for our actions without blaming, shaming ourselves or others and going into victim mode.
Know Thyself.
Follow what LIGHTS YOU UP!
FFDA - Feel the Fear & Do it Anyway!
We have been it all.
The latest pieces of my own healing journey have been around becoming aware of & clearing darker or 'negative' past lives. This isn't something I'm consciously choosing, but on a soul level I am ready to release some of this now, and the right people & situations have arisen to support me in my process.
I have also released sexual trauma from my earlier years of not being so conscious and self respecting.
This all sounds INTENSE right?! Well yes it is. But it's worth it and has huge significance and purpose I feel not just personally, but collectively & ancestorally.
It's said that pain & pleasure are on the same spectrum, so by feeling through & transmuting these emotions, we release the blockages & are able to acesss more natural health, joy, pleasure & presence.
It's easy to blame others and say 'They' did this, how dare 'they' do this to us!?
What about us?
How are we being in the world?
How are we treating ourselves?
Over the last few years I have been really processing a lot. The last time I had a full time job was for a Whistler Blackcome mountain during their 2017/18 Winter season... since then I've done some bar work in the local pubs on my home island, but mostly I've worked for myself offering treatments either mobile or remotely. I've found that once I've made the decision or taken the step & sometimes risk into the unknown but following my soul, support will come. Sometimes at the last minute so it does take a shit load of trust. But it's a muscle that can be worked and the more you do it, you know so deeply that you're supported and protected you just make moves without any doubt.
Being naturally empathetic and sensitive / wanting to help others relax and get away from their day to lives, to do lists and 'have to / obligations'; my fascination with holistic healing and health never went away. Plus a curiosity & passion for finding the truth of his/herstory and what's really gone on to bring us to where we are as a civilization, seems to niggle at me.
''Don't do anything unless told to by the divine'' is a motto that one of my favourite couples David & Alenka (ie The Energy Doctors) say.
They are good friends, supporters and mentors of mine. Their offerings and space holding has been a big part of my journey over the last 12 months, with Alenka being a close friend since I moved to Gozo in January 2021.
They offer online 1:1, group programmes and in person New Earth Walks on Gozo, Malta which are truly magical and profound.
edited 13.01.2024
Next blogs will be....
Why do we resist or run from love?
How can we break the spells & dissolve the programming & conditioning put on us from an early age?